Home for All: Inclusive city


The place for all citizen members are required to provide a happiness, safety, and live-able. As the bottom level of hierarchy in the regional organization, City acts whole what society needed. The nation's neighborhoods are separated by income, assets, and educational background.

Inclusive City

How does a city become one that inclusive of all? First it must address the growing divide between the rich and poor, the lack of affordable housing, relations between the community and law enforcement, and concerns about gentrification.[1]

City as a platform for society to grow up has to supply a pleasant condition for members. Various backgrounds society should be satisfied to enhance the city's human resources quality. Somehow Several Cities that has a big economy that could be the center of attraction to be lived in. Let us analyze what were required by society:
1. Various ethnics
2. Various cultures
3. Various ages

Various ethnics impact to the society requirements. The needs of the various tribes in need of some specific requests such as the minimarket by providing certain foodstuffs. For instance, an Arabic who live in the plains of Europe, Arabic who already live there expect a place that provides a wide range of foods that could make the Arabic could eat Arab food. While outside else they needed a restaurant close to Arabic food.
Various Cultures also directly affects the survival of society in a city. Culture someone who variegated example in terms of transport, there are some people who tend to use the bike when going to work or to school. There is also the use of a car or bus.

Various ages are also an important milestone for a city. In the presence of small children and the elderly in the manufacture and design of various kinds of policy must be adjusted properly. City for All really designed for all people in various fields with diverse demographics.

With a different culture and a different tribe, a city is expected to be a means by which to support the various needs of society in the mobilization. The mobilization effects on the economy of the city, so the transportation is also a means to accelerate the economy.

Design and Development Perspectives

By realizing in the vary requirement, designs of facilities that are free for citizen should be adapted by many characters. It can be achieved if government does an active action to know further about what elder, children, and disable people needs. It will need a longer time to plan a specific –and comprehensively design that allowed by society. For example, pedestrian is needed by all stages of society. It activates walking-behavior to press down the traffic jam that caused by over capacity of vehicles. By applying a very enjoyable pedestrian, people who previously used to mobile by private car, can be turned to maximize the pedestrian as the part of healthy campaign and decrease the number of vehicles around road. 

City is expected to provide a wide variety of platforms that can be used or obtained by society. The various needs of the society should be covered in line with the economy of a city. Government must routinely emphasize the “Different value” in the city. 

[1] http://www.planetizen.com/node/76428/building-inclusive-city

*This post is dedicated to satisfy Asia Pacific Urban Youth Assembly (APUF-6) task.

Taufik Fitriyanto
Universitas Indonesia
Indonesian Delegate for Asia Pacific Urban Youth Assembly 2015

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