Participate in a Friendly City


The closest relationship between the house (where we live) and the environment is a town. The city provides a wide range of elements required by the community to carry out its activities and boost the economy. City and residents interconnected with one another to create a longer life. It was called a symbiotic mutualism because they can not stand alone and can not live without one another. Focusing on the development of a city, it usually developed with many big capitalist projects who take over a wide range of land to be used as a place to conduct business. Not one, but sometimes the government forgets the eviction of the local residents who previously lived. Friendly city concept is a good concept in a development town, where the city has an index of security, peace, non-polluting, and transportation connected. Aspects of child-friendly and environmentally friendly are also included in the city's friendly concept.

The following aspects that support the concept of Friendly city:

1. Friendly to children.
In this aspect assessed on the basis of public facilities that are not harmful to children. With design that has been made in such a way, it should be able to cope with accidents in children. As a concrete example is the design of a garden fence made of iron that sharp edges with a height of less than 1 meter. Circumstances where a small child can be injured by the barbed wire, the city eligible children are expected to minimize the accident committed by a small child less than 10 years old.

2. Friendly to the elderly.
The existence of elderly who still like other normal human activity, can be found in many cities. It should be facilitated, because the elderly have limitations in physical motion. The example that has been implemented is the Pelican Crossing. The system is a system that made the traffic light is provided button if you want to cross the road. “Pelican Crossing” helps the elderly and citizens to reduce the risk of road accidents due to lack of aware of the traffic light.

3. Friendly to tourists.
Provided many signs are easily to understand layman, for example, direction at the intersection as well as some important information that can be obtained with a simple tourist.

4. Less pollution.
In addition to increasing the capacity of green space, reduce air pollution is also done by reducing the number of motorized transport in a city. There are basic things that cause people choose not to use motorized transport (bicycles) is a Habit. Habit, a town that predominantly uses bicycles as a primary mode of transportation will produce a healthy habit for life, because they always exercise anywhere. To invite people aware of cycling, should be given the socialization of the direct impact of cycling on health.

5. Public transport is connected.
Transportation is basically designed to enable residents to mobility. Transportation connected with each other, it will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of mobility.

6. High security.
Crime is the most frightening specter for anyone who lives in the city. With a high control of the government for security, then the more people feel safe anywhere and anytime. There is no fear for all those who were in the city.

Instead of waiting for the government to make policy and other preparations, we as citizens must also have full awareness to make changes. Here are some tips to make our city a city that is friendlier:
1. Cycling
2. Expand to walk
3. Helpful against tourists
4. Choosing public transport rather than private transport (motorized)
5. Participate maintain environmental hygiene

Friendly City concept is suitable for a wide variety of the city that has foundations in a wide variety of sectors of the economy. The seriousness of the government is expected here to create a city that is convenient for all.

*This post is dedicated to satisfy Asia Pacific Urban Youth Assembly (APUF-6) task.

Taufik Fitriyanto
Universitas Indonesia
Indonesian Delegate for Asia Pacific Urban Youth Assembly 2015

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