Interview di McKinsey?

Working in Consulting Firm is my dream.

Terkadang melihat orang ideal menggunakan baju kerja ala Suit and Tie, menarik perhatian dengan cara berbicara dan perangai nya. Sepertinya menjadi konsultan kelihatan “Borjuis”. Apalagi background hidupku berasal dari kota kecil, atau malah kabupaten yang banyak orang tidak pernah dengar nama itu, pasti orang-orang di kampungku lebih memandang keluarga kami ya karena menggunakan jas jauh lebih dipandang daripada pengecer daging di pasar, walaupun kadang penghasilan mereka berjumlah sama.

Pengalaman “interview”, iya hanya interview di konsultan bisnis ternama. Yang jadi pelajaran bahwa sebetulnya what our fear itu hanya di dalam otak kita saja. Ini mau cerita tentang kegagalanku saja.

Waktu itu, sekitar pukul 10 pagi dengan kondisi sedang di kantor (waktu itu sudah kerja) ada seorang wanita berlogat India menelpon, “Good morning, this is ******* from McKinsey”. Ternyata dia mau invite interview dan dia di KL, untuk keesokan harinya yang mana esok harinya adalah National Holiday. Terbayang kan, National Holiday saja mereka masih kerja, I imagined working in Consulting Firm is less sleep, life and vacation. Karena memang kebetulan manager nya sedang di Indonesia, makanya aku OK aja invitationnya. Ngeliatin IG yang sudah bekerja disana, McKinsey dan BCG udah terbayang kehidupan mereka, No Life.

Karena jujur saja, terlalu excited makanya langsung approve invitation-nya meskipun waktu persiapan sangat minim. Review CV, belajar business case, dan persiapan interview memang berat. Memang tidak maksimal belajar nya, tapi tidak masalah, interview must go on.

Oh ya, image McKinsey dari aku personally itu “mengerikan”. Kalau dilihat dari teman-teman yang disana, profile mereka beyond amazing. Mungkin kalian tahu lah requirement mereka dan orang-orang seperti apa yang bisa masuk McKinsey. If you guys are studying at Indonesia’s top tier school with outstanding profile with sequences achievement and organizational experience, pasti pede aja sih daftar ke McKinsey. Dan aku kalau tidak salah baru sekali daftar di McKinsey, untuk BCG sudah ke sekian kali dan tidak ada respon apapun. Sampai akhirnya hampir menyerah, ya karena sadar diri.

Biasanya requirement yang mereka butuhkan GPA diatas 3.7 from top tier university dan prestasi lainnya. Tapi jangan salah, if I see the requirement I will not be included into their bucket. Do not be worry, just apply it. Coba saja, toh tidak ada rugi nya. If you guys one of my friend who knows my GPA or major background, sometimes you’ll be laughing out loud to know that I am invited by this firm. This is an evidence that there is no limitation to you all, kalau memang mau coba-coba break the limit or limitation. Ternyata mereka tidak se-mengerikan itu kok. Jangan pedulikan perspectives atau stigma kalau mau apply ke McKinsey harus manusia sempurna all the way they have. Atau tidak perlu McKinsey, another something big tidak perlu khawatir.

Banyak stigma hadir di masyarakat (mahasiswa khususnya):
1. Harus top tier university. Mostly memang fresh graduate di ambil dari kampus-kampus bergengsi ini, tetapi banyak yang experience mereka dari kampus swasta di Indonesia.
2. GPA > 3.7. Atau 3.5 lah, kalau 3.7 terlalu lebay ya. Tetapi memang mereka mengambil mahasiswa-mahasiswa dengan GPA diatas rata-rata. Ini simply karena ya memang konsultan harus lebih pintar daripada client, inilah kenapa McKinsey mencari kandidat top tier di kampusnya. Karena lucu juga kalau konsultan nya tidak lebih pintar daripada client nya. Let say misal aku kerja di Pertamin* tetapi konsultan yang handle project nya adalah orang yang dulu di kampus terkenal awur-awuran dengan tidak ada prestasi atau academically in trouble.
3. Hebat-hebat. Karena McKinsey konsultan nge top, pasti isinya orang ngetop. But I believe someday orang-orang yang dibawah standar bisa masuk ke kriteria mereka by disregarding their background. Me contohnya.
4. Business case yang susah. Harus diakui memang business case yang diberikan oleh McKinsey cukup sulit karena mereka memberikan spesifik data dengan ukuran tertentu dan diminta untuk memberikan solusi. Bisa di coba sendiri harus memberikan solusi dalam waktu 2 menit in business matter.

Nah, pengalaman interview di McKinsey dari mulai persiapan sampai selesai cukup membuat jantung berdegup kencang. Interview dilakukan di Four Season Hotel, Gatot Subroto. Semalam sebelumnya aku searching-searching tips untuk interview di McKinsey, dan manager ini adalah orang india yang sedang ada project di Indonesia. Untuk step by step persiapan akan di jabarkan di bawah ini:
1. Apply di Career McKinsey langsung.
2. Siapkan CV yang detail, this is actually no benchmark about detail. Just make sure aja kalo orang baca CV mu bakal paham apa yang pernah kamu kerjakan. Bisa cek di google cara membuat CV di konsultan, ada dan cukup detail supaya punya oit standing point dan tell the recruiter that you are a detail oriented person.
3. Research: baca-baca business case nya memang cukup membuat otak bekerja lebih keras, mikir berkali kali maksud dari soal dan bagimana solusinya.
4. Interview preparation: email invitation mereka sangat professional, detail dan helpful. Bahkan mereka memberikan tautan link tentang bagaimana menghadapi interview di McKinsey. Setelah melihat video nya, jujur aku semakin tenang. Di dalam video tersebut disampaikan bahwa Interviewer di McKinsey itu sangat helpful, mereka membantu mengarahkan alur pikiran kita ke pencarian solusi paling efektif dan efisien bagi konsultan dan klien. Jadi, cerita-cerita orang di luar sana yang katanya intimidatif itu tidak benar, sama sekali tidak benar.
5. Interview: lokasi interview di restaurant Hotel. Dan waktu itu aku pakai baju rapi banget tapi interviewer malah bilang kalau terlalu rapi, banyak info beredar bahwa kalau mau interview di McKinsey harus pake jas, it doesn’t necessary kok katanya. Sampai di tempat interview ditanya tentang background seperti biasa, terus pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menjurus ke business case. Waktu itu aku dapet business case di industri Telekomunikasi, tentang optimasi budget perusahaan dengan cara digitalization. Kurang lebih 1 jam interview dan impresi ku terhadap interviewer adalah baik, helpful, dan tidak menakutkan sama sekali. Malah dia yang nge direct kemana jalur pikiranku untuk memecahkan masalah bisnis. Dan dia bilang “I need a specific thing from your mind, please make it route on how you give a solution. Solution that you provide is matter, but the way you think on your way to solution is more important.” Ternyata mereka mencari orang yang tidak tiba-tiba menemukan solusi dari masalahnya, tetapi cara pola berfikir orang dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Dan mereka minta dengan sangat detail, betul-betul detail ketika mempertimbangkan solusi dari permasalahan harus ada evidence atau data yang harus di provide. Ini sesi yang seru banget, karena diskusi disini sangat menantang dan memecahkan satu per satu masalah dengan melihat hal-hal kecil yang impactful.
6. Done. Sangat ramah dan baik, jauh dari stigma orang-orang yang katanya intimidatif. Bahkan beberapa kali di interview orang india, sepertinya interviewer ini paling ramah dan paying attention to detail banget. Dan fokus.

Aku cuma mau bercerita bahwa sebetulnya limit-limit itu bisa di pecahkan asal kita mau. Jangan percaya stigma-stigma di masyarakat kalau ingin A harus mempunyai B. This is proven for me yang dari dulu selalu break limit standar yang di buat oleh orang-orang yang bersangkutan. Be confidence, you are just amazing what the way you are, really.

Noted to My Self about Leadership Competence

In the last sequence years, I put myself on "push to limit container".


I sometimes get hard to know why I failed to direct my self into schedule which previously I rendered in the evening before I get to bed. My ambition is loss. I am a morning person, but my productivity is decreasing. By the day I could actually do many self improvements, or at least pursuing target. Oh God, please my dream was so high. Doing nothing by scrolling up and down gadget, seeing another succeed. Even I frustrated with questions "Why the hell my hand is coming up by yielding nothing in hand". I somehow, daydreaming yes of course that in near future I lead Company. Everyone's dream right, yet I stuck in progressing to make my self better. Or at least following my bad schedule that I always break my promises to go. Will I?

I need to discover again, where my ambition is, where my curiosity is. I could not handle my self to at least lead my hand, brain, mouth, and pace. I slow it down my pace, looking my self as a pathetic yet lame person who was flood in a dirty river, and flowed. Swimming against the stream, and keep flowed. Walking in a same position, all I need is support and positivity. I waited positivity fulfill my spirit to come up into surface of my soul.

Talking about Leadership competence, somehow I could not interpret it on one fit figure or ideal persona. But I have met many leaders that bring positivity to uphold and bring up a confidence to every soul. Its positivity boosts to everyone's limit on their job. I do not blame to ones, but this is noted to my self which persona I should follow or at least I adopt, If someday I was chosen the one who impact other's self advancement. I do not know why, positivity does really matter to productivity.

Many of people who give birth leadership, they are calming down the temper his surround. Since, I do really learn about that characteristic who is I really enjoy with, who is I can really lean back at, or at least who is I can follow its little behavior. This is shame to admit, that back then when I was in school I impersonate all actions of my "Top Student" in my class. I was following how they act when doing homework, I imitate their handwriting style (since I have a talent to imitate their font style, this is an authentic talent that brings my self to label it as "recognized as talented" since I have no talent in others stuff).

Credit: Rawpixel/Shutterstock
 credit: Rawpixel/Shutterstock

For the next 5 years, when I read back this messy yet diary style of writings, I hope I adopt these my persona goals:
1. Equalize voice tone.
I do not why this is very strange component on leadership capacity, I paid attention to ones who bring conversation on his voice tone. People around, who has an exploded emotions suddenly shut their voice down and follow this tone. I rarely have seen this talent or born-gifted capacity to make every one less their temper and follow all instruction from his mouth. All people who hear his words will be calmed and feel restful.

2. Positivity
It reflected on its daily behavior by sending a smile and nothing fear in future. This capability will directly level up confidence level of his surrounds, by sending a fact table of optimism, and art of showing a good ambiance, this is I have fallen in love with person's character. Scared is faded out, the road is clear to make forward to undergo straight road without clue-less obstacle. Providing a reasonable fact to not give up in the middle of journey, making sure a good point and setting positive mindset that everything is achievable with a good measure tools.

3. Calming down.
As I have explored an interacted with leaders, I found a confident to not worry. I sometimes prejudged people on how they reflected into trouble, big or little one. The expression tells his maturity, wisdom, patient and strength. I believe a little bad mood affect others badness. I committed to learn more about this things, a set of problem has a set of its solution. With a good composure, affecting others to think extraordinary to pick up a solution. If leader has this capability, I am as follower will be really enjoy and not afraid because My Bos does not fear at all, then I have no reason to fall into fearful situation.

I comprehend my self as not good self scheduler, but hope those persona goals that I should advance in order to make my self and other can stay with me with a good impression.

Working is not only About Following Passion

In the first day I work for Samsung Research and Development Institute Indonesia, I frightened. I come to office 1 hour earlier based on appointment. My heart starts heavy beating, I walked around hundreds people crossing Sudirman Street.

What I have in mind is something clumsy, "is this real that I would become Software Engineer?".

Weeks ago I signed contract as "Global Software Engineer", as I have passed in the first term of Algorithm Test by Samsung R&D with HQ Standard. I am lucky enough to pass this one, since everyone needs to conduct Algorithm test more than one, then mostly they are rejected, and some people are accepted. "Global Software Engineer" is a program for universal engineer, lot of programming languages will be taught in this program. For "Real Passionate Engineer", this is the best place to leverage universal programming skills. You will be provided an eminent and costly course with cost covered by Samsung. We were also freed to access Leadership course by Harvard, for instance. Capacity to lead and technical will run into a straight path.

I am majoring in Information Systems, mixed between Computer Science and Management. Becoming Software Engineer is common options for us, but for me personally, I have another outstanding potential talent on another side, so in the first time I decided to choose Non Computer Science Job. I concerned a lot with first job I take, it would be my long life career in the future. I limit myself about Computer Science, I assumed that Software Engineer has narrow career development. I am afraid of my future actually. I hate doing same thing everyday by coding many programming languages, I hate to talk to my computer. As I have spent more than 10 hours to surf and networked on internet connection.

Before I joined, I was given a set of Algorithm Books by Mr Risman (Director of Software R&D), I flipped page by page till I got a nausea effect. I counted it more than 3.000 pages. I am shocked, if it were a set of Motivational Novel or Science Fiction film, I would be really enjoyed on it. Or at least a set of book titled "How to build small creative business for a long term plan for newbies?".

But, big name of Samsung guides me to swallow Algorithm Books, it might be my every day meal in the next couple years.

In the midnight, I sit in the front of balcony, I was starting mini discussion with my own self. Asking frequently same questions, in my humble opinion, I have another passion than dealing with code every day.

D-Day is coming. I entered Samsung R&D Office, I was introduced by HR Officer to anyone. I was a bit nervous to start my life for next couple year of career. We are 5 fresh graduate, are involved a mini discussion by our Laboratory Leader. We were all asked about our passion, I answered to have a passion in Backend (Java, C++ and SQL) and Frontend (CSS3). And I mentioned that I like to speak, to read and to present in front of public. First, I was incorporated on Java project. I am so happy and nervous at the same time.

In the next couple hours, I was offered as Technical Evangelist. Actually, I do not familiar with this position, they said that it would be matched for Engineer who love to write and speak. I took this opportunity. In prior moment, I daydreamed that my job is going to close with Technical Writer.

Surprisingly, I got a beyond expectation position that actually very matched with my personalities. I engaged students, developers from around Indonesia cities. Planning Hackaton and performing technical skill on stage, meeting new people, having a good relations with C-Level, and conducting video conference call meeting every Friday. Making sure that program from Headquarter is delivered in a best time, moment, and going well. Writing books and articles, posted it into technological platform.

Assumption is Killing
There are many opportunities outside there, I realized companies offered employee a good and fit position, the reason is Enormous company (such as Samsung) will place one to the fittest position, to get optimum performance. They will plot you to boost company's revenue, even a little thing is an asset. Lesson learned to ring bad assumption is settling you down.

Do not Limit Yourself
When you are offered any "other and never heard position", it is your time to challenge your self. I read books with another reverse stand point, by raising view from "Do not follow your passion" rules. It guides you to be more master on other field you never touch. Fear of getting failed will get higher, the point you will prepare tighter is acceptable reason to have you stronger and more hardworking. Passion placed you into a place you (sometimes) get destructed, but believe me, you will do anything to confront those challenges. The beat you will sense, headache you have never felt, shaking body you never imagine, push you to think outside your brain.

Enjoy Everything What you Retrieve
Miracle comes from everything. If you have pushed you hard, universe supports you immediately. No worry of having difficult to face tomorrow's job problem. You are guided. By ones or God or invisible hand. There is no job cannot be handled. The most important thing when you are jobbed, is make a history with your contributions.

In this story, I attached my "Masterpiece" while working in Samsung R&D Institute Indonesia, this is published for Public, for you who is interested with Tizen Operating System focusing on Wearable Device, and you are eager to build Application, find this book into your guidance. Thank you, Samsung R&D Institute Indonesia for an amazing experience.